The Old Testament had foretold that God would come to earth as a child to be our Savior and Lord (Isaiah 9:6). It also foretold that this Savior, or Messiah, would suffer horribly as he took upon himself the sins of the world. So in some miraculous way, the Messiah would be both God and man. Several prophecies foretold that his suffering would be almost unbearable. Jesus claimed that he was that Messiah. [Read more…]
Is the Father Pleased or Displeased with Those Who Worship Jesus?
Throughout the Bible, God (Yahweh) alone is to be worshiped. The first of the Ten Commandments given by God to Moses was, “Thou shall have no other gods…” A god could be an idol, a person, an angel, or any other created being. Therefore, to worship anything or anyone other than God was the most abominable sin one could commit.
However, Jesus accepted worship on nine different occasions recorded in the New Testament. [Read more…]
Where Does Jesus Say “I Am God”?
Instead of coming to earth announcing his deity with trumpets blaring, Jesus was born in a lowly stable. Instead of parading around the hills of Galilee proclaiming his deity, Jesus healed the sick, fed the hungry and taught us to love one another. Instead of destroying his enemies, Jesus willingly let them crucify him on a wooden cross in order that our sins could be forgiven. Jesus said his mission was to “seek and save the lost,” not boast of his own greatness. He set the example of humility for us.
Yet, Jesus did say “I am God” on several occasions. [Read more…]
Did the Apostles Teach that Jesus is the Creator Written of in Genesis?
In Genesis, the God of the Bible is revealed as Creator of everything from the tiny atom to the magnitude of space with its billions of galaxies. Thus, it would have been heresy for a Jew to think an angel or any other created being was the Creator. Isaiah confirms that God (Yahweh) is the Creator:
“This is what the Lord, the Creator and Holy One of Israel says…I am the one who made the earth and created people to live on it. With my hands I stretched out the heavens. All the millions of stars are at my command….I, the LORD Almighty, have spoken!” (Isaiah 45:11a, 12, 13b)
Did the Apostles Teach that Jesus Is the Creator Written of in Genesis?
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Why Would God Need to Come to Earth in Human Form?
What is Christmas really all about? According to the Bible, man’s rebellion has created a wall of separation between God and us (see Isaiah 59:2). In the Scriptures, “separation” means spiritual death. And spiritual death means being completely separated from the light and life of God.
The Bible calls this disobedience sin, which means “missing the mark,” like an archer missing his intended target. Thus our sins have broken God’s intended relationship with us. Using the archer’s example, we have missed the mark when it comes to the purpose we were created for.
“But wait a minute,” you might say. “Didn’t God know all of that before He made us? Why didn’t He see that His plan was doomed for failure?” Of course, an all-knowing God would realize that we would rebel and sin. In fact, it is our failure that makes His plan so mind-blowing. This brings us to the reason that God came to Earth in human form. And even more incredible-—the remarkable reason for his death. [Read more…]