The folks at SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) have done some thinking along the lines of what constitutes signs of intelligence. They are searching for extraterrestrial life, as opposed to God, but they have to deal with the same problem set. How would they recognize communication from outer space if they saw or heard it? [Read more…]
Accident or Miracle?
Could the fine-tuning of the universe be attributed to chance? After all, odds-makers know that even long shots can eventually win at the racetrack. And, against heavy odds, lotteries are eventually won by someone. So, what are the odds against human life existing by chance from a random explosion in cosmic history? [Read more…]
Can DNA’s Detailed Coding Be Explained by Natural Processes?
DNA’s intricate complexity caused its co-discoverer, Francis Crick, to call it “almost a miracle.” Since no scientific process, including natural selection, is able to explain DNA’s origin, many scientists believe that it must have been designed. Antony Flew was so impressed by the genius behind DNA that he renounced 50 years of atheistic leadership, arguing that DNA must have been designed by a superior intelligence.
So was the language of DNA programmed by a designer–or by chance? [Read more…]
Look! A Human Being
The fossil trail has revealed creatures that seem to resemble apes, but have some human-like features. These members of the ape family that scientists call hominids are clearly not human, but evolutionists believe they eventually became us. Evolutionists begin with the premise that life is merely one large family tree (or bush).
They are looking for a trail of fossils that confirm Darwin’s theory of macroevolution of our species. However, if evidence show that Homo sapiens appeared suddenly with qualities and traits distinct from all other forms of life, the possibility that we have been designed becomes apparent.
So have paleoanthropologists been able to bridge the chasm between what they call hominids and us, proving an evolutionary link? [Read more…]
Boom…Life! Darwin’s Evolution
Being an honest man, Charles Darwin made no bones (pardon the pun) about predicting that the forensic fossil evidence would ultimately prove his theory right or wrong. The controversy surrounding Darwinian evolution is over his general theory of macroevolution. It states that over eons of time, all life evolved by the same process of natural selection. If true, then human beings are merely the end product of a long evolutionary chain. [Read more…]