What Would a Jury Conclude?
Another scholar who wrote about evidence for Jesus’ resurrection was Dr. Simon Greenleaf, founder of the Harvard Law School. Greenleaf wrote the rules of evidence still used in our legal system today.
Applying those rules to the events surrounding Jesus’ death, Greenleaf concluded that any honest jury would render a verdict that Jesus’ resurrection really happened. As with Morison, it was the sudden change in the disciples’ behavior that persuaded him.
He writes, “It would have been impossible for the disciples to persist with their conviction that Jesus had risen if they hadn’t actually seen the risen Christ.”[22]
Jesus’ resurrection convinced his disciples that he was the Messiah who died for our sins, the great “I AM” who had spoken to Moses, “the only way to God,” and “the resurrection and the life.” They now knew Jesus alone had the power over life and death, and they gave their lives proclaiming him as the risen Lord.
Although he was originally a skeptic, Lewis explains how Jesus’ resurrection was unique among all events in human history.
“Something perfectly new in the history of the Universe had happened. Christ had defeated death. The door which had always been locked had for the first time been forced open.”[23]
So, what does Jesus’ resurrection mean to you and me today?
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