Endnotes – Was Jesus Really From Nazareth?
- Associated Press: First Jesus-era house discovered in Nazareth, December 22, 2009.
- [ http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2009-12-21-jesus-house-nazareth_N.htm ]
- T. Cheyne, Encyclopedia Biblica, “Nazareth”, 1899.
- Rene Salm, American Atheist.org, “The Myth of Nazareth, Does it Really Matter?”, December 22, 2009,
- [http://www.atheists.org/The_Myth_of_Nazareth,_Does_it_Really_Matter%3F]
- [From the Probing Mind column, “Why the Truth About Nazareth is Important,” American Atheist magazine (Nov-Dec. 2006).]– Frank R. Zindler, Author, The Jesus the Jews Never Knew, editor American Atheist magazine.
- Salm, “The Myth of Nazareth, Does it Really Matter?”
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